The story "The Nanny and the First Mirror" tells the story of a girl named Yaya who was sent by her parents to live with her nanny known as the "嫫母" or "Mo Mo". Mo Mo was an elderly woman who was kind and loving to Yaya. One day, Mo Mo gave Yaya a small mirror as a gift, which was the first mirror Yaya had ever seen. Yaya was so fascinated by her reflection that she couldn't stop looking at it, but when Mo Mo saw her obsession with the mirror, she took it away from her.
At first, Yaya was upset and didn't understand why Mo Mo had taken away her mirror. But Mo Mo explained to her that the mirror could make her vain and obsessed with her external appearance, which could make her forget about the things that truly matter in life, like being kind and helpful to others. Mo Mo taught Yaya that true beauty comes from within, and that it is important to always be true to oneself.
Through Mo Mo's wisdom, Yaya learned a valuable lesson about the importance of character and inner beauty. From。